Thanks to everyone, but especially to Lynn and to my family, who helped me through this past year. Lots to adjust to, but things are good. I know that many of you have experienced losses, or health issues, or other changes, in your own lives this year. I wish you all strength and hope that you (like me) have the love and support you need.
So, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, or anything else you celebrate at this season.
All the best to everyone in the New Year. (It’s going to be 2020! How did that happen?)

Great ads, Eric.
I wonder what a ‘kindergarten set’ was? Maybe blocks? (can’t wear ‘fumed oak’!) And I hope that Cary got his football. Such simple needs. We can all follow suit. (I could make a bad Santa allusion here but won’t.)
Enjoy the holidays and here’s to 2020!
I also wondered what a “kindergarten set” was…
(And those prices!)
A table and two chairs, I believe.
Happy Hanukkah to you Eric! I hope your 2020 is exceptional in every way! Paul
Hi Eric wishing you and yours blessings for this Hanukkah. God Bless. Love Margaret and Barbara’s favourite wonder dog Robbie xx
I enjoyed reading this Eric. Thanks for sending it. No $.29 cent dolls for us!
Happy Chanukah!
A very Happy Hanukkah to you! And best wishes for a happy and healthy 2020!
I enjoyed this blog and especially the one requesting only a football. A great lesson for all of us.
Sending love,
Hi Eric
This is terrific stuff … many thanks for sharing! Always good to know they barbecue at Zirkin’s 🙂
Wishing you and your family a Chag Sameah and only the very best of all things in 2020.
I thought that barbecue part was pretty funny too!
Happy Hanukkah, Eric! May the decade ahead be remarkable in every positive way.
Loved this, and I recall my Hanukah gelt that we received in a little mesh bag: 5 shiny new nickels or dimes, depending on how our household finances were that year. My Aunt Anne and Uncle Abbey, (they owned a “dry goods” store, on Queen Street E, would give me either a new blouse, or dress. For me, getting any clothing brand new was a treat. I had two older girl cousins, and my wardrobe was usually what they out grew!!!
Of course, my mom made latkes by the dozens, and our home was the latke capital of the family. Almost every night we had friends, relatives dropping in, and Mom always seemed to be in the kitchen, grating potatoes, onions then standing over two or three pans of hot oil. A wonderful memory!! The house kept the memory in the “aroma” for days!!!! Chag Chanukah Sameach!!
Hi Eric,
These are great. 2019 was a tough year for me, but like you, I had, and have, lots of support from family and friends. Looking forward to seeing you in the New year.
Hockey players echo that old song :”all I want for Xmas is my two front teeth”
The despicable Bobby Clarke was a poster boy for that wish.
May your candles burn brightly, not just for eight days, but all 365!
Hi Eric,
I enjoyed the holiday messages from the past… Don’t be a swellhead and one thing you really want is all you need to make it work.
Happy Holidays to you
That was quite a unique column this time, and very interesting.
I often think of you…and yes, I pray for you to continue to have the strength to cope with your great loss.
We had our family Christmas gathering on Sat. up stairs, where daughter Linda hosted the group. Not sure if you knew Grace and I have a “in-law suite” in Bill and Linda’s new house. We had a great meal to which my other daughter and daughter-in-law contributed. We exchanged gifts and had a great sing song. My one grandson and I played guitars, another the mandolin, and my younger daughter the keyboard.
Two of my grandchildren couldn’t come because of work.
Best to you in this holiday season.
Dear Eric. So good to hear from you and be able to pass on our best wishes for 2020. Writing 2020 was weird. It sounds like the future. Well, I know it is the future that begins this coming week, but I meant THE FUTURE! And it’s catching up to us, as it always does but I feel it’s galloping faster and faster all the time.
xo Sandy
2020 definitely seems like the future!
Happy New Year, Eric! Thanks to you, I know what a Crokinole board is.
WOW that young Cary had it right: asking for just 1 item & wanting the rest of the toys to go to the orphans…I wonder what became of him?? And did you see those 1921 prices?? books for 10 cents?!?! WOW!!!!
Hoping your Chanukkah was good Eric. May 2020 be a better year for you!
Sincerely Sherri-Ellen & BellaDharma