Best on (200 or 300th) Best: Part I

Haven’t posted anything since before Christmas. I don’t usually like to let so much time go by, but I’ve been pretty busy with other things. I hadn’t really been enamoured with the thought of it before it started (though I was pretty sure I’d watch!), but once the 4 Nations Face-Off actually faced-off, I figured I’d find some sort of historic angle to this prefab — though pretty fabulous — tournament. There’s no real connection between that and this story, but here we go…

If it’s remember for anything today, the 1949 Ice Hockey World Championship is remembered for the fact that Canada beat Denmark 47–0 in what will likely always be the highest scoring game at this level of international hockey. Yet Canada didn’t win that year. Canadian teams had finished second before — to the United States at the 1933 World Championship and to a Great Britain team loaded with expat Canadians at the 1936 Winter Olympics — but the 1949 tournament marked the first time Canada finished second to a true European team as Czechoslovakia came out on top.

Canada hadn’t sent a team to first post-War World Championship in 1947 because of a growing rift between the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association (CAHA) and the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF). We might not have sent a team to the 1948 Winter Olympics if it hadn’t been for the hastily assembled RCAF Flyers. Once again, the CAHA seemed less than committed to sending a team to the 1949 World Championship, but did vote in favour of doing so on Saturday, April 24, 1948, at their annual meeting in Toronto. The team would tour Europe from December 30, 1948, until early April of 1949 and represent Canada at the World Championship in Stockholm, Sweden, in February.

The 1949 Canadian team at practice in Sudbury. Top row, L-R: Al Rebellato, Bud Hashey, Joe DeBastiani, Herb Kewley, Barney Hillson, Bill Dimock, John Kovich, Don Munro, Emile Gagne. Front row, L-R: Bob Mills, Joe Tergesen, Jim Russell, Max Silverman (GM/coach), Jim McKenzie (trainer), Doug Free, Ray Bauer, Al Picard.
Courtesy of Ernie Fitzsimmins, Society for International Hockey Research.

Max Silverman had long been involved in the management of hockey teams in Sudbury, Ontario, and was currently the president of the Northern Ontario Hockey Association. He and Frank “Dinty” Moore of Port Colborne, a past president of the OHA (and a member of the 1936 Canadian Olympic hockey team), were tasked with selecting Canada’s team this time. The CAHA made the job more difficult with an announcement on May 10, 1948, after stories that Max Silverman had approached the 1948 Memorial Cup champion Port Arthur Bruins, when president Al Pickard announced it would not be feasible to send a complete team because of the interruption to league schedules. In June, former NHL player (and future childhood coach of Bobby Orr) Bucko McDonald offered up the Sundridge Beavers, who had won the OHA Intermediate B championship, but in July, Silverman ruled out the possibility of taking one team in tact … possibly because of the earlier CAHA ruling.

Silverman spent much of the summer of 1948 trying to assemble a team. Near the end of October, he announced the squad would come together in Sudbury at the end of November to begin training. But in early December, he was still putting the finishing touches on his roster. Britt Jessup of the North Bay Daily Nugget, who had written back in July about the problems Silverman would face, reminded his reader of them in his Sport Static column on December 2:

“If the truth be known, Max Silverman is not having any picnic gathering players for his tour-Europe hockey team. The inducement to go on this hockey junket — $25 a week and all expenses paid — is not exactly alluring. Free-spending hockey players would go through that 25 fish in a couple of days. As for the education which travel provides, many pucksters saw enough of Europe for a while during the years 1939–1945. Married players simply can’t pick up and leave their families to go on this European jaunt. On return, they’d likely find their wives had gone on a little jaunt themselves … to Reno.”

Silverman, wrote Jessup, was spending a lot of his personal time and money trying to find players and was becoming “a bit cheesed” with the lack of co-operation he was getting from the CAHA. That’s why (even though it really wasn’t) he decided to call his team the Sudbury Wolves. “Hell,” said Silverman (Jessup quoted him as saying H––l), “I’m doing most of the work and Sudbury men are proving most of the sponsorship! We may as well get some publicity out of it.”

1949 World Championship poster and images of Jim Russell and Tommy Russell.
(Player images courtesy of Society for International Hockey Research.)

Jessup wondered if it might not have been a good idea to take Bucko McDonald’s Sundridge team to Europe after all. “They [the CAHA] wouldn’t let me sign players to contracts [in] September,” Silverman complained. “Now I’m faced with the job of doing around trying to get players, when most of them have already signed with teams for the 1948–49 season. I don’t like breaking up other teams to get players for my team, but what can I do? We can’t go over there with a team not fit to represent Canada, the home of hockey.”

The players Silverman had gathered met in Sudbury for a week of practice starting about December 5. Those paying attention weren’t very impressed, as this assessment in The Sault Star of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, from December 4 will attest: “I fail to see where the club will be much stronger than an average intermediate team at the most. Not a single, solitary big name either from Northern or Southern Ontario senior ranks is included. In fact, a number of boys trying out for the squad are just junior B calibre, if that.”

The team was certainly young, with most under 21 and some still teenagers. Among the few veterans was Ray Bauer of Waterloo, Ontario, who was no superstar but at least had a family pedigree in being the brother of NHL star Bobby Bauer and future Canadian National Team leader Father David Bauer.

These new Sudbury Wolves played their first game on December 12 against the Sudbury Miners of the Nickel Belt Hockey League and held them to a 2–2 tie. “Sporting a few weak links, but sound basically,” read a Canadian Press report, “the Wolves can expect to show improvement after two or three more games.” Four nights later, the Wolves pulled their goalie to earn a late goal and another 2–2 tie against the North Bay Black Hawks.

Next, the players made quick trips home to say goodbye to their families. Then the team travelled to Boston, where they were beaten handily on December 20 in a 6–3 loss to the American team they would face at the World Championship. Three days later, they sailed for Southampton from New York aboard the Queen Elizabeth (named for the wife of King George VI). Keeping themselves in shape in the ship’s gymnasium and swimming pool, the team arrived in England on December 29 only to have customs officials seize much of their equipment, including 500 hockey sticks.

Boston Sunday Globe, February 13, 1949.

The Brits were worried that sports equipment brought over by teams in previous years had been sold before the teams left England, thus evading imports duties. “We have allowed too much rope in the past,” said one customs official. “Now we are going to clamp down.” The team was forced to spend most of the day in Southampton and a deposit had to be paid on their gear before they were allowed to leave for London late that night. “We were very annoyed,” Max Silverman said, “especially as we have brought with us a lot of sweets and foodstuffs for the British public.”

The Sudbury Wolves/Canada played the first game of their tour the following night and lost 7–3 to England. (I assume that’s the English national team, though they wouldn’t be at the 1949 World Championship.) By January 28, 1949, they had played 14 games in England, Scotland and France and were just 3–6–5. Before the end of the month, they put up two lopsided wins (12–0 and 14–3) against teams in the Netherlands, but as early as January 17, the CAHA had voted to send reinforcements. On February 1, Don Stanley of Edmonton (son of Hockey Hall of Famer Barney Stanley and a cousin of Allan Stanley) and Tommy Russell (who was playing in Cape Breton) flew out to meet the Canadian team in Sweden.

After a few wins and loses to Swedish teams, the Sudbury Wolves/Canada opened the 1949 World Championship in Stockholm on February 12 with their famous 47–0 win over Denmark. (Denmark had joined the IIHF in 1946, and this was their first international appearance, though they game wouldn’t really begin to grow there until the next season. Denmark beat Canada for the first time in international hockey with a 3–2 win at the World Championship on May 23, 2022.) Jim Russell (the team’s oldest player at 30 and a member of the Sudbury Wolves who had won the 1938 World Championship) led the assault with eight goals. Tommy Russell had six, while Don Stanley, Joe DiBastiani and Don Munro each had five. Ray Bauer, Guy Hashey, Joe Tergesen, Emile Gagne, Barney Hilson and Bill Dimock all scored three.

Canadian Press reports note “The spectators often laughed heartily at the desperate Danish efforts,” and“The chief thrill of the crowd was betting on whether Canada would top 50 goals or not.” A United Press report in American papers (which claimed there were only 100 fans at the game) said the only disappointed Canadian player was goalie Al Picard. “He felt he ought to get in on the scoring fiesta, and at the height of the game he wandered out of his cage in hopes up picking up a goal, but was waved back to his position by Team Manager Max Silverman.”

So, there was at least some sportsmanship!

Part II (and the reason for the title!) next week.

9 thoughts on “Best on (200 or 300th) Best: Part I

  1. I was 17 when the tour was held. I kept a voluminous — mostly Maple Leafs — scrapbook for that season. Reading about the tour was a fascinating distraction from the NHL game. But minor league hockey at that time also was a big deal because the Quebec Senior Hockey League played an interlocking sked with the EAHL so I’d see Canadian teams plenty at old Madison Square Garden. Part I is a fascinating read and I look forward to more of Eric’s fine writing and research. Zweig’s Maple Leafs oral history is one of the most underrated hockey gems in my library. No, THE MOST UNDERRATED!

  2. Thanks for sharing another fascinating story. I was interested to read that Joe DeBastiani was a member of the team. Joe played for the Michigan Tech in the early 1950’s. He was the team’s leading scorer, and MVP in the 1950-51 season and was selected first team All-American as a forward. In the 1951-52 season, he played defense, was team captain, the team’s MVP, and was selected second team All-American. He played forward in the 1952-53 season. Joe was from Cobalt, Ontario.

    1. Very interesting…
      Here’s some more info on him from the SIHR web site:

      Player bio by Patrick H.
      Born May 30, 1930 in Cobalt, ON, Canada.
      One of the best wingers at the 1949 World Championships. Played for Michigan Tech between 1950-53, captaining the team in 1952/53. Is also inducted in their Sports Hall of Fame. Moved to Mexico around 1954 and worked as a miner. Later lived in Hidalgo del Parral, Chichuhua, Mexico.
      Passed away 2010.

  3. Hi Eric,

    Enjoyed the article today.
    I have seen a lot of stuff from Ray Sr, still going through things from storage.

    Will send you a direct Email.

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