The Apartment is Going to Be Pretty Fine Too

Well, I’ve moved. The house closed on August 30, but I pretty much moved out on August 26. Given that the deal was reached on August 1, it was a very hectic month. Going from a three-storey house to what is essentially a three-room apartment on the second floor of another house, meant a lot of stuff wasn’t coming with me. It was emotional at times, parting with many things Barbara had collected over a lifetime, and things we’d accumulated during our years together. But, I think I did a good job. And I was very pleased with how well organized I was. I’m certainly not done yet, but unpacking, and making my new place feel like home, has been easier than I imagined.

That being said, I’m not sure I could have done any of this without my friend Lynn. Lynn was Barbara’s friend first. Sadly, because her own daughter was already battling cancer, Lynn had lots of practical advice when Barbara was diagnosed. We’ve spent a lot of time together, Lynn and I, since we both lost our loved ones. I used to tell people, “we’re sort of a lonely-hearts club.” But we’ve become more than that recently.

In addition to the emotional support we’ve given each other, Lynn found this apartment for me. She’d lived here with her daughter many years ago. Lynn’s continued support (and physical strength!) — not to mention the occasional kick-in-the-butt — got me through all the packing and moving. Thank you, Lynn.

I haven’t moved far, but it’s a huge change. I kind of fought it for a little while, yet I know for sure now it’s the right thing to do. There’s still pictures to hang and clutter to make disappear, but the apartment and I are both going to be fine. And, hey, you’re all invited to drop by! Until then, enjoy a quick tour…

Entry Hall.
Left from the hall into the kitchen.
Beyond the kitchen to the “dining” room. (Hi Riggs!)
Right from the entry hall looking into the den/living room. (Hi Odie!)
Looking out from the den/living room.
Tiny guest room beyond the entry hall.
Master bedroom.
Looking into the office.
Looking out from the office.

30 thoughts on “The Apartment is Going to Be Pretty Fine Too

  1. Looks like a spacious apartment, something you wouldn’t find in Toronto without paying a fortune. Enjoy the new “digs” and your friendship with Lynn! All the best!

  2. It looks great! And I’m very impressed with how much you’ve done in such a short time. Wishing you all good things in your new home.
    Sending love.

  3. Hi Eric, I have been trying to downsize for the past 10 years. But I am slowly decluttering and getting rid of lots of stuff so I can do my final life journey without leaving all the clutter for my oldest son to sort out. So pleased you have a friend to help you with your move and to aid you in your journey. It makes a big difference if we get some help. The apartment looks nice. Looks like it’s been Preloved and you will find it will help you to move on from Barbara’s passing. Although you will always be a part of Barbara, I know she would want you to take care in your future. Lots of good wishes for you and pussycats too. Hope they are settling into their new abode.
    Love Margaret and Robbie the Goldie xx

  4. It looks like a terrific place to live, Eric. You and the boys will be content there. I love your view. It looks like a home already. Well done! There is no rush to get yourself settled. It will come.

  5. Well Done Eric. You look very organized. Will this be the first time you have ever lived on your own? Always in our hearts.

  6. New place looks great Eric! Certainly a challenging but necessary step among the stairs of the ongoing process. Thumbs up to Lynn! People like that are a rare and treasured gift in life.

  7. Well done Eric! Your place looks great with furniture in. Cats look content. Glad to hear that Lynn was and is a great help to you! Hope to see you soon. Thanks again for the “lifetime” supply of spices. We use them daily and think of you and Barbara. Sending you love and hugs

  8. Great looking place Eric. You’d be hard-pressed to find anything like it in the GTA, unless you can afford a king’s ransom in rent.

  9. Eric,

    First of all, I hope you’re satisfied with the move.

    Second, you have a piece of furniture in your den/living room that looks interesting to me. It is in front of the lamp and appears to have knobs, maybe a stand up radio.

  10. WOW! You have done a wonderful job packing, moving, unpacking & settling in. And I am so glad you have Lynn for moral support! She is a *star*!
    And I am laughing at Odie & Riggs… is like they have lived there all their lives….we should be more like cats! Hehehe…..
    Mazel Tov Eric. May the future be gentle on you.
    Sincerely, Sherri-Ellen T-D.

  11. Amazing all around.
    I’m honoured to be the receiver of your moving boxes and think it might just be a bit of good luck you’re passing on. We both deserve a bit of that.

  12. Great move Eric. So glad to have been able to help. Keep in touch. We may even stop by for a visit. Place looks wonderful. Take care. Pat & Steve

  13. Great story — hope you’re doing half as well as you seem to be. (And interesting that these photos may be the last time the apartment was ever that clean!)

    Take care

  14. Eric, it looks like a cozy new home for you and the kitties. You have been super-human and now you get to take your time settling in. Thank goodness for Lynn and the great help she has been.
    Odie and Riggs look as contented as can be.
    Good work, you three boys! Enjoy your new home.

  15. Congrats.
    I hope you know that to listen to that radio you must lean over the arm of the sofa or chesterfield, so that your head almost touches the floor, to hear Orson Welles intone “who knows what evil lurks in the heart of man? The Shadow knows!!”
    I recall this from my early years.
    Looks very comfortable and “homey”
    Keep writing.

  16. Hi Eric, listening to the BBC today, a song Barbara played so often in the 70s came on. I sat down and had a weep. I had a flashback to Barbara singing the song, and remembered how she was then. A mother with a young Josh. The song was Joan Baez’s Diamond’s and Rust…. Thought I’d tell you, Margaret. Xx

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