Season’s Greeting! (2022)

Christmas/New Years greetings from an ad in the Owen Sound Times on December 8, 1871. And a Hanukkah story from a few years later, on December 7, 1915.

And, in keeping with the usual theme, Owen Sound opened a new indoor ice rink just after New Year’s in 1893, which was a big boon to local hockey. Clippings from the Times of January 5 and 12, 1893:

And, finally, thank you to everyone who had anything to do with the success of this book; those at Firefly Books who helped me get the job done … and to those of you who bought a copy!

From the Toronto Star, December 17, 2022. Slipped a bit this week, which will
be reflected in Saturday’s newspaper. But it’s been fun while it’s lasted!

Whatever you celebrate at this time of year, have a happy and safe one!

7 thoughts on “Season’s Greeting! (2022)

  1. Judah and the Macabees didn’t really win. They fought against total assimilation and worshipping pagan gods. Men even had a very dangerous operation to look like the uncircumcised and take part in activities at the gym, where everyone was nude. 3 out of 4 who had operation died…
    Today some label Channukah as “the Jewish Xmas” which insults both religions.
    However, the people who wish us well mean well and we are grateful. The owners of the Original 6 never had such thoughts or good wishes.
    Glad Herb C. Finally made it to the Hall. A fine human being!

  2. Season’s Greetings, Eric. Continued success, good luck, and good health in 2023, and keep writing “good stuff.”

  3. Dear Eric,
    Have a good holiday! I wish you all the best in the New Year! Happy Hanukkah!
    I think of you often.

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